‘Everything About Walmart Is a Lie’: Walmart Workers Demand $15 Minimum Wage
Even Amazon pays workers $18/hour, but Walmart refuses to raise wages for most workers above $12/hour.
In 2021, wages have grown at the fastest pace in nearly 20 years. Even Amazon pays workers $18/hour, but Walmart refuses to raise wages for most workers above $12/hour.
Workers say they can’t afford to live. Many workers have to work 2 to 3 jobs to be able to afford the cost of living. And more Walmart workers rely on food stamps, rental assistance, Medicaid, and Medicare than at any corporation in America. Those who do get health insurance through Walmart struggle to afford expensive premiums.
In September 2021, Walmart announced that they would be raising workers hourly wages. But the raises came at the cost of losing their decade-long tradition of quarterly bonuses. Many workers have not been given the proposed wages, yet still had their bonuses taken away.
Now workers are calling on Walmart to raise its minimum wage to $15/hour.